
Saturday, 14 December 2013

Very nice


Its the simple little light
Which makes this World bit more bright,
Sends away the rotten darkness
And brings in everyone's Life, the real happiness;

One will be as blind
If there's no light, as to things find:
So, the Almighty God being so kind
By this, to each and everyone's problem, a good solution He did grind.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

vilakku  Nice and wise

This is the wonderful day in our lives !

Saturday, 9 November 2013

This is me after a long time......

Nice and wise,
We Indians have to wake-up and use our intellectuality
Among our States if we don't have proper mutuality -
Then the foreign force like Ms.Sonia will take advantage and try to break our National Integrity  
She has learned Hindi to be-fool those people and to break our unity;
The Nehru Family after our Independence have become as the Jealous attitude people
Of course during the Freedom Struggle and in the Congress Movement they acted so Patriotically but now they peep ill -
At our People and want to establish their own regime in this Country without bothering anyone
May be Mr. Rahul is uncorrupted but rest of them in their family are so corrupted, so patriotic is none;
Ms.Sonia is trying to fool the People of Tamil Nadu, by having Mr. Man Mohan as her poppet
How could the Joined States of Indian People could accept?
She is a very good pretender
Let her go there to Italy and do her tricks, we are not at all the offender
The Tamil Nadu People is in no way connected to the death of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi
It was the mistake of the Indian Military Force who betrayed Mr. Rajiv Gandhi -
As they went there and joining hands with the Srilanka Military Force did spoil the Srilankan Tamil Women and their Chastity -
So the Srilankan Tamil People took revenge; because to them was so valuable their Chastity;
Of course the Tamil Nadu People do have good consideration towards the Srilankan Tamil but we never encourage LTTE even now
Then how could the Indian Government be as a poppet to Ms. Sonia and ill treat us now?
Thanks                                   Cinna Vanmathy 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Thursday, 11 July 2013

To be as ever Human and Humane, one must be so apt in diplomacy !

Nice and wise
We may not like and love everyone
But so diplomatically just 'smile' at anyone,
Whether we like them or not
To them our smile will never rot;

Towards anyone we need not be so hot
So divine being this Human birth, as a gift from God we have got:
Let us shower our affection towards all the living things
As the natural atmosphere would so happily ever sings !
Thanks                                    (Cinna Vanmathy N)